Last update : Oct. 23/ 2006

Question & Answer
Here, you can see my answers to some questions I got from visitores. If you also have question about "how to draw Manga", ask me by e-mail.

Q) The paper size

A) It's depend on country. In Japan, the standard size of comic magazine is B5 or A5. Usually the paper we draw on is 120-150 % of the size of Magazine. Actually the paper we take is B4 or A4, because the margin is required. I'll show you here 2 kind of most popular size.
Q) Inking
I think the biggest problem is the inking how do you ink your work? I usually go over my pencil lines wrong and if I do go over it correctly the line weight is wrong have you any tips to ink 'properly'?

That's the major problem for everyone, I suppose. Pencil line looks good, but when you ink them...wrong line, unexpected weight, lack of an animated feeling. I'm not free from the trouble, too!
Nowadays, because of technology, pencil line can be printed, or you can change the weight if you use drawing soft. They might be solutions. (Personally, I think drawing soft allow you change the weight, however it doesn't give the good, living line. So I prefer to dip-pen)

Frankly, all I can say is "practice to get the skill !". But when I made wrong line--it still happens often (>_<)-- --redraw new line and erase(daub) the wrong line with whitewash or Bleed proof white water color. That's the same about wrong weight. Basically I don't care about wrong weight very much, though. I'm not sure about my English, so let me show you...this! :)
