How Pluii and Limone Met
Writter by: Breanna

      Pluii was stalking the clouds, waiting for an angel to pop out of nowhere.  His sword was in hand, waiting to strike down any opponent.  He listened to the members of the Tenshi Kai.. and some of his brothers and sisters.. screaming and pleading for help.  He ignored all the loud explosions coming from the main battle field.
      Pluii was on his best guard, sharp, crystal blue orbs scanning his every move and surroundings.  suddenly, he spotted strange silk being blown in a soft wind.  It was a golden color, shimmering in the crystal of Heaven.
      Pluii's eyes widened; was this a treasure of Heaven? It was so shimmery, so golden and bright that Pluii seemed to be attracted to it.  He slowly lowered his sword.  Which faded away into the palm of his hand.  He outstretched one hand, reaching for the golden silk waving behind the cloud.
      Pluii's fingertips were only inches away from the swaying golden lace.  Finally, he managed to get his fingers wrapped in the silk.  He ran the silk through his fingers, smiling so delighted and relieved.
      Suddenly, he heard the soft cooing of a sob.  He opened his blank crystal blue eyes, for indeed he was still under the golden silk's hypnotic power.  He noticed that the golden silk was a man's long, blonde hair, blowing in the cold fierce wind.  But did Pluii stop playing with his "golden silk"? No.
      Instead, he said, "Who are you.."
      The man stopped his soft sobbing, tears running down his cheeks.  His eyes were shinning from unshed tears.  Wobbling softly.  He watched the devil play with the end of his gorgeous blonde hair.
      "Lily-san.. Lily is.."
      The blonde's face tightened painfully.  It only he had been there to help in time... if only he grabbed her hand more quickly.. if only.. if only..
      If Only
      "Lily.. what happened..?" Pluii came closer to the sitting angel, looking below down to Earth as screams and explosions were heard from behind him.  Pluii ran a hand through the "golden silk."  Limone did not mind it, he felt sort of relieved.  "Lily.. she fell to Earth.. thanks to Uranago.."
      There was a long pause and Pluii removed his hand.
      :Uranago? Are you..?"
      Pluii's hypnotic expressions blazed in fury.  The blonde looked up at him with the most malicious smile he could put on.  "I am, Tenshi!" This blonde leapt to his feet, a sword materializing from his hand.
      "You fell for my hypnotic spell, Akuma.. such a weakness can not be had in a soldier." The blonde pointed his sword at the angry glaring Pluii. "Die!" Pluii was embaressed; he could not believe he had fallen for the ange;'s hypnotic spell.
      "Let your sword do the talking!" Pluii snapped furiosly, raising a sword above the angel and bringing it down.  The blonde adonis only chuckled and slashed his sword with Pluii's.  Pluii and the blonde angel stared at each other face to face, their swords pushing against each other.
      Pluii was gritting his teeth, eyes directly glaring into the soft blue ones that belonged to the blonde angel.  It was so odd; they both had pale blue eyes.  The blonde only smiled, not even breaking into a sweat as he pushed his silver blade sword against Pluii's black blade sword

      "You fight well, uhh.."
      "I don't need introductions!"
      Pluii pulled off a fast one, kicking the blonde angel in the stomach. The blonde was flown back into a wall made out of cloud.  He held his stomach, sliding to his knees, coughing painfully as his sword laid weak in his hand.  A dark shadow fell over him, the shadow of Pluii.
Pluii was the one to smile now, raising his sword over the blonde's head.

      "Ready? I believe so."
Pluii was about to bring it down before the blonds raised a hand.  Pluii stopped his sword from coming down on Limone.  He bit the corner of his lips, his wide eyes twitching as the hand slowly waved back and forth.  Pluii watched the hand, his body shivering as he struggled to remove himself from the spell the angel was putting on him.
      "Put the sword down.."
      The blonde's eyes narrowed softly.  Pluii struggled to break from the spell, the angel's hand slowly moving towards his sword.  Pluii noticed his hand was in a tight fist.  When his fist was near the sword, he opened his fist and at the same time the hand gripping Pluii's sword opened!
      Pluii gasped, bu he remained as stiff as a shadow.  Holding out his hand to Pluii, the angel stood up and held his sword in one hand.  "Thank you.." With the lowering of his hand, Pluii gasped and fell back from being released quickly.
      Pluii laid on the cloud, rubbing his head painfully.  He opened his eyes, looking up and widening his blue ords at the sight of the tip of a silver blade pointing directly at his nose.  It was only two inchs away from his nose.  Sweat ran down his face, he swallowed the lump in his throat.
      The blonde angel smirked down at him  before removing his sword.  Pluii sighed relief.  "I fight only fairly.. get your sword." The angel  gestured to the sword laid a couple feet from Pluii.  Pluii slowly lifted up his sword, eyes frighteningly locked on  the smiling angel.
        But with his sword once back in his hand, a strange power fell over him and he smiled devilishly.  "I'll kill you Angel!" Pluii leaped into the air, striking his sword down at the blonde angel.  The angel clashed his sword with Pluii's and struck him away by his sword with his sword.  Pluii floated back in the air for a few moments.
        "You really don't need to call me angel.  My name is Limone.." The blonde looked up with that calm expression on his face.  Pluii only sneered and darted back down at the angel.  But Limone was ready, he quickly  raised his sword at the strike to protect himself.
        "And what may I call you?"
        Growling, Pluii pushed down on his sword. "Call me ..Pluii!  The one that will destroy you !"
Pluii raised his sword quickly and brought it back down, only to find him in the same position as before.  Limone smirked proudly and wispered, "Pluii."

        This sherade lasted for a couple hours until Pluii's sword was flung across heaven.  He was no longer, so he could not fight this Angel Limone anymore.  His teeth were bared, he was so angry, so full of rage, "Damn you ! Heed my words, Limone! Reine Devila-sama will be  destroying all the pathetic love from the Human Wrold! Then you, Aphrodite and all you angels will be turned into her slaves! Farwell, Limone, farwell!"
        With a loud evil cackle, Pluii soared back into sky, where it rippled and created a portal.  He slipped in like a flash and the portal closed up, the air rippling like water.  Limone steared at  the position the devil once was in.  He was now baring  a more serious toned face rather than his playful one.  He held a clenched heart to his chest, wispering in a pain tainted voice, "Pluii..."

~so thats how they met ~