失われた珈琲を求めて Vol.5  A5 44頁 表紙フルカラー ¥300
In Japanese with English subtitle

成り行きで海外マンガフェスタってのにフランス人と合同でスペース取ることになって、急遽でっち上げたサークルの合同誌。横書き左綴じで、合作。日英併記、バイリンガルですw フランス人と組んだから洒落でこのタイトル。特に意味はなし…

This title is a series of Coffee Party, which I made with my French friend Seek Doyle, for Kigali Mania Festal (International Comic Festival in Tokyo). It has Japanese/English subtitles so that everyone can enjoy.

From Vol.4, Saeko has withdrawn. But 8 artists from home and abroad (Ireland, USA, Venezuela and Japan) and they drew various Croissant and Eclair! This back cover images inside cups are their work.



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