My other works
Many Momoyome-visitor asked me about my recent or other manga. Unfortunately(?) I have no serial manga now, but I'm drawing "Dojin-manga", so I show you some of them here.

The Mandrill Books
Japanese only, of course. ^^:

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Many parody manga like othere series
A talk(Yazawa Nao and Tachibana Mami)
The subjects is...
"Where did Salvia come from?"
"Why her school was different from Momoko's?"
The conversation is very silly and funny.

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爆裂桃嫁複写版 其之壱 Bakuretu-Momoyome-Hukuwsya-ban1

2 manga, a talk and some illustrations.
Mainly we talked about inside story.
A5 Xerox copy / 20P \100

No manga, the copy has just some parody stories and illustrations.
A5 Xerox copy / 28P \200
Why "Mandrill" ?
Mandorill is the name of group composed of Yazawa Nao and Tachibana Mami. We made it to produce the parody manga of Wedding Peach. The name came from Frill(FURIL). Frill reminded us of Drill, and then---Mandrill came! *laugh*

The Other Books
Japanese only, of course. ^^:

Shinku-Chitai 1 - 8
The story : In 199X, two big earthquakes and unknown pestilence ruined the Kanto region. There were no rescue activities from the outside. Then ... the area was isolated by Japanese Government.
Tetsu, he was a 12-year-old boy and one of the surviving children. He became the leader of them, and they fought to survive in the Kanto region which turned into the lawless district. What happened to the outside of the Kanto district? Why did nobody come here to help them? What was this disease? When he lost his friend one after another, he determined to go to outside from the Kanto district to get the truth. Now, in vol.8, Tetsu is 17 years old.

Shinku-Chitai 9 (Japanese)
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The Covers

Shoujyo manga (Comedy) like Wedding Peach.
The story :Mizuki is a 14-year-old girl. She wanted to live as a ordinary girl, but her destiny didn't give her such a life. Because she is descended from Oni(monster) called by the name of "Mizuki", she must fight against evil monsters in cooperation with Sekito who has the power which seals the Monsters.

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