1:PLEX's booth(I had stayed here almost all time.
2: Aoki-san, he is drawing Shikishi.
3: Cool guy Kobayashi-san, he is asked many sketches of "Kamen-Rider"and "Power Ranger".
4: Toys of "KR"and "PR"....(I'm not sure, sorry if I'm wrong. ^^;)
5:Shikishi. "KR","PR", and "Angel's Wing". Actually, many toys, shikishi, and books were displayed.

7: I'm painting. All illustrations I could finish were 4 pieces per day. Like this->
6: the illustrations I did are displayed here.(they are not so gorgeous, though.*laugh*)
8:Piles of cardboard boxes in books(Nozomi and Angel's Wing) We give them away free. I'm sorry for you who bought them.....
9:M-san from Fanboy. She also works as interpreter. Thanks a lot!
10 Take them!
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